Tuesday, April 3, 2012

3 Months In

So at the beginning of the year I made the resolution to post at least once a week. It's been three months now (right?) and I'm still doing ok. Up there is a selection of the things I've posted since making that resolution, and it's got me thinking that this isn't possibly the worst blog I've ever seen. It might not be anything special, but I'll keep going anyway. For now. (Thank you Joe for makin' the grid of Madeleines)

I'll be back soon with another outfit post. And perhaps in another three months with one of these (if it's ok with you). 

What do you think? What's been my best outfit post so far??? 


  1. 1,3,10 (in the collage) are my faves because that is how I dress. I am basically wearing 3 (with a bird on it) right now.

    Yay sisters.

    Thanks Joe for making the picture.

  2. I'm glad you've decided to keep going. Even if only for now.

    And I love the collage (thanks, Joe).
